A Birthday Love Lesson.
Creator’s Block is Real.

help. DRTY SMMR. please.
On 7/29/24, a fire broke out around 4:00am in a mixed-use building in Bushwick, a fashion-forward youthful neighborhood located in Brooklyn, New York. Thankfully, no human was physically hurt by the fire, but a beloved pet was lost to the flames. The third floor units were completely obliterated by the fire, while the first and second floor units suffered extensive water damage. DRTY SMMR, located on the first floor of the building, suffered extensive water damage. A significant amount of the store’s inventory including clothing, fabrics, sewing machines, musical equipment including drums and monitors, and mannequins, were damaged. AMYANG FASHUN is one of the fashion brands carried in at DRTY SMMR.

André3000 Is The Moment.
You don’t have to believe the hype, but you should believe me. André is the moment.

Support the Pod in Style
Merch for the Pod. Get Yours.

Since Y’all Like Afrobeats Now…
The vibes for ‘We Outside’ is curated by Afrobeats. Get into it!

Flight Anxiety: Making the Connecting Flight
This could be you. Relaxed. Not sweating profusely as you run from terminal to terminal, gate to gate… unnecessarily.

(June) Love Rant
As the season changes, allow room in this coming season for love.